Friday, December 28, 2007

THIS is What a FEMINIST Looks Like!

This is me from the neck down. I'm 7 months pregnant. Caroline liked the juxtaposition of the "This is what a feminist looks like" t-shirt over my large pregnant belly. I have to agree. This is what a feminist looks like. My face looked pained so I had to cut it off. I've had this t-shirt since college.

I'm not going to talk about being pregnant much here. This week, I've been consumed by two news stories - the Siberian tiger, Tatiana, who killed one person and mauled two others in San Francisco, and the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about Bhutto. I just know that her death is a huge set back for Pakistan and the Middle East. More importantly, I'm frightened by the fact that Musharref is one of the U.S.'s greatest "allies" against terrorism in the region, yet his own relationship with democracy is pretty poor. How alike are we to him? It gives me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. It's not just gas.

The story of Tatiana is a truly sad one. We can't be shocked that the animal was vicious or barbaric. She's a tiger for goodness sake. They are instinctual and they prey on and kill other animals. Just because we stick them in a pretty "enclosure" doesn't take their natural desire to hunt away. But it is a tragedy. Those poor boys are maimed and one dead at seventeen. Can you imagine dying that way? Unfathomable. Zoos can be a good place. It allows us to learn about other animals and respect their need for survival as well as our own. Zoos have become a place of sanctuary for near-extinct animals like the Siberian tiger. I don't have anything profound to say about this. I wish I did, but I'm just saddened for both the victims and the tiger.

My last random thought will be about Facebook. I was hesitant to join yet another online community (aside from MySpace) and I couldn't figure out how to use it. But after several invitations to view profiles, etc. I gave in. It's been very interesting. And provides for hours of trivial amusement. Not many folks my age are on it. If you've heard of it, you know it was designed for colleges and that is the major user. But it's catching on worldwide and I've found some folks I haven't talked to in years. That's fun. It's not that I have to find these people. I'm happy with my current friends. But it's nice to catch up with people and see what they are doing now. Natural curiosity. Check it out. I like it better than MySpace because you don't get random friend requests from people you don't know. Somehow, that seems to make it more "intimate."

1 comment:

Stuart said...

It looks like you have a peepee in that pic.