Friday, September 21, 2007

Don't read the message boards

Not only is this the week GLBT Marylanders were let down by our court system, but it is also the week of Jena 6. This is an amazing issue, especially considering the decades that have passed since segregation and Jim Crow. The injustice against these six kids in a small southern town has incensed most of us who believe in fairness, justice and equality. It makes me feel ashamed that our country can't let go of its racist roots. How far will we have to dig to rid ourselves of this blatant racism?

I hate to recap because I'm sure I'll miss important details, so be sure to check out the
NAACP's website for the most up-to-date information on the case. Here's what I know - About a year ago, some black students in Jena, Louisiana, asked their principal if they could sit under a tree known to be the "white" tree. Of course they were granted permission (although why they even had to ask is beyond me). But the following day, three nooses were hung from the tree. Clearly this is a hate crime and an act of intimidation that hales back decades. The school administrators called it a prank and left it at that. The incident led to mutual aggressions between black and white students. One of those aggressions were these six students beating up a white student until he fell unconscious. That student was treated at a hospital and released after a couple of hours. I read somewhere that he attended a school event that same evening. The six black students were arrested and charged with attempted murder. Outrageous. After several incidents, these were the only students to be arrested and the charges brought against them clearly didn't match the crime. Anyway, what followed was a series of injustices against these six students, leading one to continue to be incarcerated to this day.

Yesterday, the NAACP and others organized a rally at Jena to protest the injustice that continues with their legal system. Similar protests were held all over the country, including Baltimore. It feels good that people are recognizing the injustice and not being complacent. These protests should really have an effect on the outcome of the pending cases and hopefully the prosecutor will be disciplined for his clearly racist agenda.

The Baltimore Sun covered the protests in Jena and locally. The Sun also printed coverage of the recent Court of Appeals case decided against gay marriage. Curiosity got the best of me and I peeked at the message boards that responded to the two articles. I wanted to see what regular people were saying about the various issues. What I found was really disturbing. It seems like people feel that they can be outwardly hateful on the boards.

Here's an example from the Jena 6 story:

This makes me sick. I am a minority and I completely disagree with this whole Jena Six nonsense. The student who did the "prank" was suspended from the school he was attending. Had those six black students protested back then, maybe they would have some leverage to say he should have charges agaisnt him. Instead they beat the kid unconscious. That's attempted murder. That is clearly defined in the law of our country. What black people are arguing is that serious violence is ok, so long as you are retaliating in response to a racial slur or a racial scene. Haning nooses on a tree was wrong, but who did it hurt? It hurt the student. The black kids could have gotten him back by desecrating a KKK hood or something similar. Instead they went way beyond what was necessary and almost killed him. I can't believe the so many people are so ignorant to this situation. Dr. MLK Jr. wouldn't even condone the actions of those black students. Racism is wrong... but physically attacking someone is worse. No Justice No Peace? Yea, take some of your own advice.

And from the gay marriage board:

It is about time that common sense prevailed. Men who want to marry men are perverts. Women who want to marry women are perverts.

I commend the court for upholding the ban on same sex marriages! Marriage is a sacred bond between a MAN & a WOMAN!! Personally, I think it should be banned in all 50 states! Hopefully other states will follow suit and follow MD down the non-rainbow road!

To all those that oppose gay marriage: I hope you have daughters, and that those daughters marry gay men that have been beaten back into the closet by your own ignorance and proselytism. (This guy really let the posters get to him. Why would anyone wish that on an innocent straight girl?)

So, is everyone in favor of letting bi-sexual polygamists marry multiple partners of different genders? How about a father marrying a consenting adult daughter? Are Homosexuals going to draw the line at their behavior or will they push the envelope for incestuous marriage, etc?

Wow, ignorance is powerful! We can't stop teaching people about our history. We're not ready to move on yet. For now, I've learned not to read the message boards.

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