Saturday, September 8, 2007


Well, since starting my blog earlier this summer, I have been writing about the joys of caffeine, the greatest nectar of the morning. However, it is time for me to confess... I have been decaffeinated since early spring. Please don't think me deceitful. I love caffeine and I miss it dearly. But since April, I have been trying to conceive my first child, and the news is good! I'm three months pregnant. I hope by now, I've told you personally. If not, I swear I was going to. Anyway, that's two confessions for you. Here's one of my all time favorite Dilbert cartoons to mark the occasion (of my decaffeinating).

The baby is due March 16, 2008 and Caroline and I are totally thrilled. We don't know yet if it's a boy or a girl, but we should be finding out sometime in October. I will slowly begin enjoying the sweet nectar of caffeine after that date (meaning March). It's been challenging. I'm taking classes and the one thing I truly enjoy while sitting in a classroom is coffee. Especially after a long workday. But there is a greater good.

On to this Tuesday's municipal election. Vote! This election is often overlooked. Heck, we're only voting for Mayor, City Council President and some lame city councilman, right? Hello??? What election could be more important to your day to day? Here's my list of endorsements:

Mayor: Don't bother. I know you're going to be there anyway, but I can't bring myself to vote for any of our candidates. If you trust the polls, Sheila's got this wrapped anyway. We'll see how it goes.

City Council President: MICHAEL SARBANES. He has real world experience in tackling the problems our city grapples with. We need someone with the commitment to try new ways to make our city better. This is the only race that will truly be decided Tuesday, by your votes. It's a close one, but get to the polls, and vote Sarbanes.

Councilfolk: We've got fourteen districts, but I don't know who's running in all of them. I do know a couple of candidates that I'll plug here. BILL HENRY is running in the 4th. He, too, actually has worked in this city and directly on building on its strengths. His work at Patterson Park CDC proves it. FRED MASON is running in the 11th. This is his first run for office and our first opportunity to elect a gay candidate to the council. I think we need one. It's shameful that more gay folks don't run for office so we have to snatch up this opportunity. Also, Fred is a really smart guy who will add to the city council's new creative team. Finally, although there's no chance of this woman losing, I've got to give a shout out for MARY PAT CLARKE. She's in the 14th and she's a workhorse. She gives so much to the city and she serves her constituents well.

One last note before I go. A final farewell to a great man, Alfred H. Peet. He died August 29th at the age of 87. His dedication to good coffee, from beans to brew, was the impetus of the coffee revolution in the U.S. Learn more about the man and read testimonials here.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Yum. So there are some questions i might have for you. Some detailed questions as to the methods by which you came to this fantabulous and unbelievable fortune. CONGRATS ladies, it's wonderful. now can we talk about how your going to raise this child ????? Love ya.