Monday, August 20, 2007

I'm a self-waxer

I'm a self-waxer. I'm so proud of my latest accomplishment. For the last year, I have been getting my legs (among other things) waxed by a professional (on half-priced Tuesdays at Neal's). I'm completely addicted to it. Since I'm pretty hairy, I would have to shave daily or every other day. Now, I don't even think about it for weeks. No stubble, nothing. And now no cuts. It's very liberating.

But it's also a costly habit, so I've taken matters into my own hands. This weekend, I waxed my own legs. It was great! At first, I was a bit haphazard and messy - wax all over my hands, etc. But once I got into a groove, it was easy and fun. It's much cheaper than visits to Neal's. I wouldn't recommend home waxing for anyone who never had their legs waxed. I think it was easy for me because I'm used to it.

Recently, I've been moved by the tragedy of the trapped miners in Utah. It's such a terrible situation. Something isn't right about the owner of the mine. He's so adamant about the earthquake being the cause of the cave-in despite experts providing another option - the cave-in caused the earthquake. Now the rescue has been suspended and their families are left in limbo. It's just a sad situation all around.

I've been listening to the news this afternoon, and apparently the only news worthy event is when people die. I hope that I don't die in some bizarre way that ends up in the news. That's my newest goal.

It's cool today, so I'm enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Very comforting on an overcast day.

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